Scan Your Body For Tension Tension is your worst
enemy in Mind Programming. No technology can alter your brainwaves while you are tense. You must relax your body completely
so your mind is free to wander where it likes. To do this, turn your attention to different parts of your body in a "scanning"
fashion, such as from your head to your toes. Focus on each part for 5 - 15 seconds, making sure it is completely relaxed
before moving on to the next part. For instance you could start with the top of your head, then the forehead, then the eyes,
cheeks, mouth, jaw, neck and so on.
Eyes Closed For all but a few special sessions,
your eyes should be closed during the entire session. Closing the eyes eliminates about 80% of the external input an average
brain receives.
Eye Position Eye position is a great way to help bring your mind down to an open brainwave. When
you look up, the visual part of your brain is stimulated. That is why many people look up when they are trying to solve a
math problem, or trying to remember something visual. This is also the position of your eyes when you are in REM sleep. So
when you close your eyes, focus your eyes upwards. This triggers your brain to start producing ALPHA waves. For many people,
the natural position of the eye (upon closing) is slightly upwards. Push your eyes up even more, but not so such that it is
uncomfortable. It may take a second to get used to, but if your eyes feel uncomfortable after a period of time, just let them
rest at a level you are used to.
Focus on the Binaural Beats All sessions produce "beats,"
or what sounds like short, rapid pulses. Most of these beats your brain is producing completely on its own. If you listen
through only one headphone, you will hear a constant tone, but listening through both you will hear the beat that your mind
produces. Focusing on these beats is the best way to entrain your mind to them. Your mind responds to your attention and will
entrain far better if you focus on the stimulus.
Count Down Counting down (in your head) from 10, 20, 50 or
100 is a great way to relax your body and help your mind focus. It is recommended to count down in this fashion:
I am relaxing more and more with every number I count. Nine... I am continuing to relax with every number I count. Eight...
at the count of zero I am completely relaxed. Seven... my mind and body are completely relaxed at the count of 0......" and
so on.
Also, visualizing the numbers is very helpful. As you think each number, visualize it floating in 3d space,
spinning, glowing or reflecting light.
Visualize Visualizing is a great way to take your mind down
to where it needs to be. Visualize simple objects, like tacks. Add color to them, make them spin in 3d. Make them glow and
reflect the world around them.
Breath Through Your Abdomen Breathing is directly linked to brainwaves. Breathing
deeply will rapidly cause you to relax. However, there is a catch. Breathing through your chest is associated with the Fight
Or Flight response, which occurs during stressful (or awkward) situations. Eliciting this response will keep you from being
relaxed. Breathing from your abdomen, on the other hand, feels great and is incredibly relaxing. To know if you are breathing
correctly, put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. When you breath in, the hand on your belly should rise
while the hand on your chest should stay pretty much where it is.
Breath Evenly Try to keep your breathing at a steady rate.
Also, inhale at the same rate as you exhale. People have a tendency to take a long time inhaling and then exhaling really
fast, or visa versa. Creating a balance between the two will help you relax and also increases the effectiveness of your Mental
Relax With Your Breaths Take deep breaths, through your abdomen,
and on each exhale relax a bit more. Relaxing on exhale is much easier if the exhale is slow and long. Relax a small amount
on every exhale until the relaxation builds up and you are soon fully sedated.
Relax Eyelids Relax your eyelids. Your body can tell when
you are faking relaxation by the tension in your eyelids. Relax your eyelids and your mind is fooled into relaxing.
Let Your Jaw Drop Go ahead and let your jaw drop a little
till it is relaxed. The jaw is a great place for your body to hide tension. Don't worry, nobody is looking, so just let it
drop a little.
Relax your body as you feel it tense up At times you may
feel that certain parts of your body are tense. This is your body telling you that in order to go deeper, you must relax that
part of your body. If you feel your legs, arms or any other part of your body is tense, relax it slowly and let it go.
Think of a place where you are most relaxed (like bed) Thinking
of a place where you normally relax is a great way to fool your body (and mind) into relaxing by itself. Your bed is the most
obvious choice, but maybe the couch or on a beach would suit you better.
[Odd] Side effects of relaxation When you begin using this
technology, you may find some side effects. They are completely normal and will eventually go away. 1) Saliva - when the
body relaxes, it usually increases its saliva production. Don't worry about it, its normal. If you swallow more than normal,
that is fine. Just try to get your mind off of it. 2) Twitching - when your body relaxes in an unfamiliar place (like the
computer chair), it will put up some resistance in areas that you hold very tense during the day. These areas will "twitch"
as you relax them. Don't worry about these twitches, they are normal and will eventually go away, especially if you learn
to relax more during the day, which is a very healthy thing to do. 3) Bringing up past memories - Remembering things you
haven't thought of for decades is perfectly normal. Sometimes you might think of something you find undesirable and may have
to restart the session. This happens to some people, but that is simply your mind telling you what your subconscious needs
help with. Use this as a guide to help you re-program your mind. 4) Itching - most people experience random itches the
first couple times they use the Neuro-Programmer™. This is completely normal. Try to ignore them. Giving in and scratching
them will only cause more to surface. Take a deep breath (through your abdomen) and just ignore the itches. After the first
couple times they will go away.
[Good] Side effects
of relaxation Daily relaxation is possibly one of the most rewarding activities that you can do for your body. Sometimes
even more rewarding than exercise. 1) Increased helpful neurochemistry such as Serotonin, which controls moods (such as
happiness). 2) Increased circulation and body heat. You will probably feel very warm after relaxing. This is because of
increased circulation that is allowed by the lack of tension in the muscles. You may even feel heat in extremities that would
be normally cold, such as your hands or feet. 3) Improvement in emotional stability 4) Increased energy 5) Improvement
in memory and organized thoughts 6) Improvement in Mental Programming